Education: ICT Skills
In 2019, we partnered with a non-governmental organisation (NGO), Edunova, in offering training to members of the school management teams at eight Tsitsikamma primary schools. Edunova trains teachers in Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) skills. The teachers in turn use the skills in the classroom when they interact with the learners, thus empowering them to use technology and improve their performance. Since the beginning of the programme 120 teachers have been trained and more than 1 000 learners have benefitted.

Learning Centres
During the first half of 2023 we launched two Learning Centres in Tsitsikamma in partnership with Edunova, a Non-Profit Company that focuses on the effective use of Information and Communication and Technonology (ICT) in schools that are situated in previously disadvantaged communities.

Food Security: Vegetable Gardens
Since 2019, we embarked on a vegetable garden project in Tsitsikamma erecting 35 gardens for the local communities. The vegetable garden project has expanded into 560 gardens in 2020 and 600 vegetable gardens in 2021 and has since turned into a fully-fledged food security programme that is providing food to the 600 Tsitsikamma households – with approximately five members per household – in an area where the unemployment rate is at 50%.